ICCA Masterclass

Association Impact

26-28 January 2025 | Dublin, Republic of Ireland

In collaboration with

Sponsored and Hosted by

Seed Fund Contributor 


ICCA Masterclass Association Impact 2025 Terms and conditions 

I.     General

  1. Participants are expected to attend the entire ICCA Masterclass for Association Impact, starting early evening of Sunday, 26 January 2025 and concluding in the evening of Tuesday, 28 January 2025.
  2. Travel and accommodation dates should be in conjunction with the Masterclass. Please inform BestCities Global Alliance directly should you wish to extend your stay at your own expense.
  3. Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will be provided during the programme. Any dietary/accessibility requirements should be added upon final registration for the event.
  4. The Masterclass programme is open to International Associations (one attendee per organisation) on a first come first served basis. ICCA and BestCities Global Alliance reserve the right to cancel your application if you do not fit these criteria:

    • You organise events over 500 participants in size;
    • Your events are held on a regular basis and must rotate globally;
    • You are a decision maker or main influencer on the choice of destination for your events;
    • You have not registered for the BestCities Global Forum 2025;
    • You have or will sign up for the BestCities Madrid Challenge.


II.   Cancellation Policy

1.       If you are unable to attend the event, a BestCities Global Alliance qualified replacement participant may be sent in your place. Notification must be made in writing and received by both ICCA and BestCities Global Alliance prior to the event commencing.

2.      If you cancel your participation after November 1, 2024, BestCities Global Alliance reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of USD 250 to cover costs incurred for accommodation. Unless you cannot travel due to health reasons.


III.     Travel

  1. You will be responsible for booking and covering your own travel to and from Dublin, including ground transportation.
  2. ICCA, BestCities Global Alliance and Dublin Convention Bureau encourage participants to take public transport from the airport to the hotel and vice versa.
  3. Visas:

    • Dublin Convention Bureau will assist with an invitation letter for your visa application to Ireland only.
    • Please contact Nigel Brown (nigel@bestcities.net) if you require an invitation letter to apply for your visa to enter Ireland.
    • Please ensure you have obtained your visa before booking your flights. ICCA and BestCities Global Alliance will not be liable for flight costs if visa is not granted.
    • Find out if you need a visa here: https://www.irishimmigration.ie/


IV.            Accommodation

  1. BestCities Global Alliance will book your single occupancy accommodation, including breakfast, according to your travel arrangements at the official hotel.
  2. BestCities Global Alliance will cover single occupancy accommodation for a maximum of 3 nights on the nights of 26, 27 and 28 January 2025.
  3. If your travel arrangements do not allow for arrival for the start of the programme in the evening of 26 January 2025, BestCities Global Alliance will cover an additional night.
  4. Should you wish to extend your stay at your own cost at the hotel’s prevailing rates and availability please contact BestCities Global Alliance directly.
  5. ICCA and BestCities Global Alliance will not be responsible for any extra night(s) that is not in relation with the purpose of attending the Masterclass.
  6. Participants agree to be solely responsible for any extra charges, incidental, and personal expenses related to the hotel booking.


V.              Travel and Health Insurance

  1. Participants must take out insurance at their own expense to cover loss incurred in case of cancellation, medical expenses (including COVID-19 related expenses) and damage to or loss of personal effects.
  2. ICCA, BestCities Global Alliance, and Dublin Convention Bureau will not be responsible for any medical costs incurred by participants.
  3. ICCA, BestCities Global Alliance, and Dublin Convention Bureau will not accept liability for personal injuries or for loss or damage to property belonging to ICCA Masterclass Association Impact participants, either during or as a result of the Masterclass Association Impact and its activities.


VI.            Liability

ICCA as the programme provider, and BestCities Global Alliance, and Dublin Convention Bureau act as agents only in securing hotels, transport during the programme (if applicable)  and in no event shall be liable for acts or defaults in the event of injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity of any kind whatsoever during arrangements organised through contractors or the employees of such contractors in carrying out services. Hotel and transportation services are subject to the terms and conditions under which they are offered to the public in general. ICCA, BestCities Global Alliance, and Dublin Convention Bureau reserve the right to make changes where it’s deemed necessary, without prior notice to parties concerned. All disputes are subject to Dutch law.

VII.            Code of Conduct

International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), BestCities Global Alliance (BestCities), and Dublin Convention Bureau

Standards We Expect When You Interact with our Representatives:

Representatives of ICCA, BestCities Global Alliance, and Dublin Convention Bureau interact with a wide range of people as part of the business they conduct.  This includes the year round BestCities events that are held as well as the annual Global Forum.

This document sets out the expectations of ICCA, BestCities Global Alliance, and Dublin Convention Bureau of all people who interact with ICCA, BestCities, and Dublin Convention Bureau representatives during our activities.  Its purpose is to protect ICCA, BestCities, and Dublin Convention Bureau representatives and other people present during our activities from unwanted behaviour and risks to their safety and well-being. 

ICCA, BestCities and Dublin Convention Bureau expect everyone who interacts with our representatives or attends our activities to meet the following standards of behaviour:

  • show respect towards others, including being considerate, cooperative and polite;
  • present and behave in an appropriate professional manner;
  • take all reasonable steps to ensure their own safety, including in relation to the responsible consumption of alcohol;
  • comply with all applicable laws and regulations;
  • not engage in unacceptable behaviour; and
  • alert ICCA, BestCities, or Dublin Convention Bureau representatives if a potentially unsafe situation is observed or suspected.

Unacceptable behaviour includes:

  • aggression, threats or intimidation, verbal or physical abuse;
  • derogatory, obscene or offensive comments of any type;
  • harassment;
  • sexual harassment (unwelcome, uninvited conduct of a sexual nature);
  • discrimination because of race, colour, sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin;
  • showing, sharing, or sending inappropriate content or material;
  • uninvited physical contact or personal contact (including via social media);
  • unexplained absences from commitments or appointments;
  • anti-social or illegal behaviour or use of illicit substances; and
  • damage to property. 


ICCA, BestCities, and Dublin Convention Bureau have zero tolerance for unacceptable behaviour or any behaviour that endangers or threatens its representatives or others.


If we see this behaviour or reasonably suspect it will take place, ICCA, BestCities, and Dublin Convention Bureau will take immediate action to ensure the safety of its representatives and others.  Immediate action could include:

  • refusal of further service;
  • calling of police or security personnel;
  • removal of the individual from the event or activity;
  • termination of the individual’s participation in the event or activity;
  • banning the individual from future ICCA/BestCities/Dublin Convention Bureau events or activities;
  • notifying the individual’s employer or organisation; and/or
  • termination of ICCA/BestCities/Dublin Convention Bureaus relationship with the individual or their organisation. 


As of May 2024

Interested in building capacity by hosting the next ICCA Association Impact Masterclass in your destination? 

Contact ICCA Education Team today at education@iccaworld.org

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