


Business Workshop - Information for International Association Representatives 

This workshop brings together high level professionals and senior personnel of ICCA member companies that are dedicated to handling business events. The regional workshop will have a wide attendance of members that are suitable to handle events like yours. We believe this will be an invaluable two-way exchange and that you will gain benefits by exchanging professional experiences with your peers and meetings with professionals from the industry. 

What is ICCA?

ICCA - the International Congress and Convention Association- is the global community and knowledge hub for the international association meetings industry. ICCA represents the main specialists in organising, transporting, and accommodating international meetings and events, and comprises over 1,000 member companies and organisations in almost 100 countries and territories worldwide. ICCA specialises in the international association meetings sector, offering unrivalled data, communication channels, and business development opportunities.

©2020 ICCA - International Congress and Convention Association