


Business Workshop Criteria and Information

Latin America Rotation Criteria: Latin America, Ibero-American and Inter-American
Participation criteria: greater than 150 attendees

Register for the LA Virtual Hub with Business Workshop. 

Business Workshop Association Advisory Task Force 

A task force in each Region will be convened in August 2020 to review the questions and topics that Associations need to address in their recorded presentation. Please advise Santiago Gonzales ( if you wish to participate in this task force. Time commitment will include two survey responses and a vote to determine final topics. 4-5 members from each Chapter will comprise the task force. 

Sponsorship Opportunities 

Please contact Santiago Gonzales ( to indicate your interest in sponsorship opportunities. As there are limited options during the virtual Hub presentations, we will work on a first come first served basis. Please note that some options are Region specific and other encompass programming which includes both North America and Latin America exposure.

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