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Leveraging event subvention programmes to catalyse regenerative transformation in cities

Sustainability and Environmental Impact
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


sponsored by Mangusteen


Achieving ambitious sustainable development goals requires a bold approach from society as a whole, backed by a long-term commitment from public authorities. A large number of cities invest significant sums in attracting or supporting cultural, sport or professional events that play a huge role in the development of the cultural and touristic offer, support placemaking, catalyse service offer and job creation, and contribute meaningfully to fostering a sense of pride and belonging in the community. A new practice has made its way to the world of event funding: Eco-conditionality! DMOs, CVBs and municipal entities can boost demand for ’sustainable’ service providers by steering event promoters towards more socially and environmentally responsible procurement practices. Event funding programs can become a powerful transformative mechanism towards the necessary urban transition by becoming more outcomes focused. Join this session to learn how subvention funds are being used by some destinations to catalyse social and economic development in their city. You will also have the opportunity to provide your inputs towards a new industry research project aiming to map the various models of eco-conditionality already put in place by destinations, as well as parameters framing their implementation . Learner Outcomes: -Learn key concepts around eco-conditionality and outcomes funding for events. -Explore how destinations are making subventions funds conditional on compliance with environmental or social requirements. -Unlock key mechanisms by which your destination can leverage financial assistance to catalyse change around events. ICCASkills Domain: Module 5 – Business and Market Planning CICS/CICE credits: 1.0 Speaker: Genevieve Leclerc - Meet4Impact Beatris Ibanez - Meet4Impact
