At ICCA we take your privacy seriously, and want you to understand clearly how we will use the personal data you supply when registering to attend this meeting, which represents the establishment of a contract between you and ICCA. We have one set of conditions for “ordinary” personal data (name, contact details, job title, etc) and a different approach to “sensitive” personal data (eg personal photograph; dietary requirements; disabilities).
Conditions for “ordinary” personal data
By registering, you agree to share the “ordinary” personal data you provide with the other delegates who will attend the meeting, to enable effective networking and business exchanges to take place, including on the official ICCA App and the virtual platform used for the event. Personal data on all delegates will be retained on the registration system/App for 3 years, for the purpose of enabling delegates to easily contact one another after the event is over; other parties who did not attend the meeting will not be able to access personal data from that meeting.
- I agree that ICCA may process my data in their event registration system, and may communicate with me via email, post or other methods with important messages relating to this meeting.
- I agree that ICCA may share my data with the virtual platform provider, DRPG, for the purpose of this event.
- I agree that ICCA may add my personal data to their main CRM system, where they maintain records of the ICCA-related activities of employees of ICCA member companies, of international associations, and of companies and organisations that have expressed an interest in ICCA membership or ICCA’s services and events. The privacy policy relating to ICCA's CRM system will then apply.
A listing of all registered delegates’ names, company and country, without any contact details, will be visible to all ICCA members whilst the event is being promoted, in the password-protected “My ICCA” portal. This is for the purpose of encouraging other ICCA members to register for the event. The listing will be deleted immediately after the event takes place. If needed, the listing will be also shared with the LHC. Additionally a listing of the registrant’s name, job title, company name, country and photograph (if provided) will be visible on the broadcast platform.
- I agree that ICCA may share my details (name, company and country) in a listing in the password-protected “My ICCA” portal and with the LHC.
- I agree that my name, job title, company name, country and photograph will be visible on the broadcast platform.
Special opt-in conditions for sensitive personal data
Some personal data is regarded as particularly sensitive, and ICCA will always handle this type of data with an appropriate level of care.
Delegates have the option to share a photograph of themselves, or may opt to not provide this. If shared, the photo(s) will remain on the official ICCA App and the event virtual platform for 1 year.
- I agree that ICCA may save my photograph on the official ICCA App and the event virtual platform for 1 year.
Photography and video material
Pictures and videos taken at ICCA Events (including ICCA activities at tradeshows) could be reproduced in ICCA educational, news or promotional material, whether in print, electronic or other media, including social media and the ICCA websites.
ICCA reserves the right to crop, splice, treat and edit any imagery or photographs taken at ICCA events. The Participant waives the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy. Additionally, all rights to royalties or other compensation arising or related to use of the name, photograph or biography are waived by the Participant, Participant’s agents or employees. All photographs and video materials taken at ICCA events become the property of ICCA. ICCA related material may not be photographed, drawn, copied or reproduced without ICCA’s written permission.
Naturally, Participants always have the right for their picture to be removed. Should you wish to have your picture or video removed, please contact us and we will take action accordingly.