About AES
The Association Expert Seminar (AES) is an event where association executives and ICCA members come together to exchange knowledge, network, and learn about the latest industry trends.
AES covers all aspects of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of meetings. It is a unique opportunity for suppliers to understand client objectives and business cultures, and for association executives to understand how to negotiate with and understand the objectives of suppliers, enabling both sides to establish stronger and more productive business relationships.
This session is geared toward association professionals involved in negotiating, planning, and/or running international association meetings interested in upskilling and gaining insight on how AI can transform the way we see business events and conferences.
Join a group of dynamic, ambitious professionals for a deep dive on how you can harness AI to develop more inclusive events.
Who should attend?
in the following categories:
Association executives involved
in negotiating, planning and/or running international
association meetings.
Open to all association executives; participation is not limited to
ICCA-verified associations.
ICCA Members involved in negotiation, planning, sales and marketing and are responsible for regular contact with international association clients.
Any stakeholders who are not an association executive or ICCA Member, who are involved in negotiation, planning, sales and marketing, and are responsible for regular contact with international association clients.
Attendance for Hosted Association Executives is subject to approval.
A limited number of fully hosted places will be sponsored by ICCA and available for associations by application only.
€ 990
Registration fee excluding local VAT 19%.
Please note that places for ICCA members will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
To offer equal opportunity to the community, ICCA Members are limited to one participant per company.
€ 1290
Registration fee excluding local VAT 19%.
Observer registrations will be reviewed and subject to approval. ICCA reserves the right to accept or reject the registration request. A limited number of places will be available for observers by application only.
"The ICCA seminar organised for association experts successfully gathered a diverse group of Events and Marketing Professionals from around the globe, fostering an environment rich in idea exchange and collaborative learning. This event provided an excellent opportunity to expand my professional network while discovering innovative solutions tailored for event management.
I found the sessions focused on uncertainty and creativity particularly insightful, as they addressed the challenges we face in an ever-evolving landscape. The team-building exercises were especially effective, enabling participants to engage with one another and share valuable recommendations. This candid approach not only facilitated genuine connections but also yielded real, actionable feedback from peers in the industry. Keep on the good work ICCA!"
— Blandine Cousin, Manager,
Community Partnerships & Events at APNIC
— Wesley Benn, Executive Chairman at DBEI
"AES is the perfect opportunity for destinations and venues to jointly brainstorm and exchange knowledge with association executives on current developments surrounding association meetings, and to network intensively in an intimate setting."
— Monique André de la Porte,
Account Manager at Utrecht Conention Bureau
"My first AES experience was absolutely amazing! The facilitators did an incredible job making the two-day event engaging and enjoyable. It was also a pleasure connecting with outstanding, like-minded attendees from MICE industry."
— Rene Chang, CMP,
Deputy General Manager at K&A International Co., Ltd.
Event Sponsors