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Global Association Meeting Bidding and Selection Trends in Focus

Sunday, October 20, 2024
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM


Associations have different bidding strategies and internal political environments for selection but despite the diversity, there is much that can be learned from each other. How much (or little) has Congress bidding and selection processes changed since the pandemic? Are commitments to sustainability really being reflected in decision-making processes? Are second-tier cities on the ascent? Is the role of the local Congress ambassador changing? These and many more questions with be addressed in this interactive session. All participants will be engaged in collectively building an overview of current trends and challenges. The session will start with a panel of senior association leaders setting the scene in a panel discussion followed by all attendees sharing their thoughts, experiences and recommendations in small group discussions. Learner Outcomes: -Discover best practices: hone your bidding and selection process by sharing with other associations your modus operandi. -Manage stakeholder challenges: get insights on how to manage challenges when working with internal and external stakeholders. -Understanding current trends: learn what priority other associations are placing on sustainability topics, including impact and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). ICCASkills Domain: Module 2 – Bidding for Conventions CICS/CICE credits: 1.25 Moderator: Dermot Ryan, Head of Association Engagement, ICCA Speakers: Anne-Marie Kahrovic, International Society for Magnetic Resonance Erika Kowalczyk, International Society for Stem Cell Research
