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A Team Approach to Delivering Environmentally and Socially Sustainable and Impactful Events

Cultural Awareness
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


This panel discussion session aims to explore how associations are evolving their annual meetings to be more closely aligned to their wider purpose and as a vehicle to help achieve their mission and vision. With so much "education" being available online, as a legacy of the pandemic, this session will hear from a number of international societies who are evolving their annual meetings to offer more than simply education, put instead putting the purpose of the society front and centre and extending their activities within their in person meetings to ensure that long term impact and legacy are created both for the association and destination. We will explore what associations need from destinations and venues to help them realise their core goals and what meaningful legacy and impact looks like to them, and why a team approach is needed to maximise the most impactful outcomes. Learner Outcomes: -Defining Impact and Legacy from an Association’s Perspective Achieving Mutual Benefits -Developing Strategies for destinations and venues ICCASkills Domain: Module 7 - Building the Value and Impact of the Convention Industry CICS/CICE credits: 1.0 Speakers: Caroline Mackenzie – ISHA Suzanne Singleton – London & Partners Lesley Sloss – EPRI International Inc. Maraika Black - EASL Samantha Shamkh - Excel London
