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'Psychic Income' that comes from Business Events

Cultural Awareness
Monday, October 21, 2024
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM


This engaging session unveils the concept of 'Psychic Income' derived from hosting Business Events and illustrates its strategic application in forging resilient conference destinations. Delve into the latest academic research that spotlights the non-financial benefits of Business Events and collaborate to uncover how these insights can generate community well-being and bolster advocacy efforts for your Convention Bureau. Empower your destination by translating the hidden value of events into a compelling narrative for sustainable growth. Learner outcomes: -Understand 'Psychic Income' and its vital role in advancing UN SDG Goals for Health, Well-being, and Sustainable Cities. -Discover persuasive advocacy tactics that underscore the broader societal benefits of business events to garner support for your Convention Bureau. -Learn to measure and communicate the long-term, positive impact of your events on local communities, elevating the narrative beyond economic statistics. ICCASkills Domain: Module 7 - Building the Value and Impact of the Convention Industry CICS/CICE credits: 1.0 Moderator: Aileen Crawford, Glasgow Convention Bureau Speakers: Dr. Emma Delaney, University of Surrey Marie Haverly, University of Winchester
