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Fly Sustainably? Exploring the Latest Sustainability Developments in Aviation Part 2

Sustainability and Environmental Impact
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Building on the success of last year's discussion at ICCA 2023, this in-depth session brings together leaders from four or more competitive airlines within the ICCA family to address the latest trends and updates in sustainable aviation. As the aviation industry continues to evolve, it is imperative that we understand the significant strides being made towards sustainability and how these efforts can synergize with the broader event industry to foster a more sustainable future. In this session, representatives from leading airlines will share their insights on current sustainability initiatives, key drivers of change, and the latest technological advancements. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the aviation sector's impact on environmental sustainability and explore collaborative opportunities that can enhance sustainability practices across the event industry. Learner Outcomes: -Acquire updated knowledge on sustainability and technological advancements in the aviation industry -Develop collaborative strategies -Understand sustainability drivers ICCASkills Domain: Module 5 – Business and Market Planning CICS/CICE credits: 1.0 Speakers: Gea van Beek – SkyTeam Marta Wisniewska - LOT Carlos Mauricio Garcia Arauz - Qatar Airways Amy Calvert - Events Industry Council
